Finding active interval timers
I’ve been recently in the situation of having a legacy spaghetti website with a buggy behavior that clearly was executed at constant intervals but I didn’t have a clue of what code/function was being executed or even where was this code defined.
Apparently no browser’s developer tools provides an easy way to inspect and debug timers. How many active setInterval
do I have? Which functions are currently being called by setTimeout
or setInterval
timers? The only solution I
could find for this was monkey patching
those functions to log information
that helps me identify the executed code.
/* Backup the original function */
window.setIntervalBak = window.setInterval;
/* Monkey patch the function */
window.setInterval = function(func, delay) {
/* Log useful information to identify the
function like its name or code
console.log(, func.toSource());
/* Switch functions */
window.setIntervalBak(func, delay);
/* This way the interval timer will continue
executing the hooked function, but logging
whatever information we need to help finding
what's going on
Drop this code in your browser’s console and it will log information about all interval called functions. I recommend
you to take a look at
for hints on useful information that could help you locate the code you’re trying to find.